So...we closed on the house today and immediately began to move things in. Went from the closing to the hardware store to make some copies of keys, then to pick up the giant U-Haul that barely fits in our driveway, then to start moving some things. Tomorrow will be moving day, and every foot of the 26 foot U-Haul will be full I am sure. But that is okay. That is what moving is all about.
Anyway, I was at the closing with a whole bunch of real estate and banking professionals, and as such it went really, really fast and really, really easy. The realtor even took a picture of me to go on her Facebook page. I am not going to tell you her name because I don't want you to go see it. Anyway, now that it is ours, let me introduce you to the house.
The garden. It looks overgrown but with a little bit of work it will really be nice. |
Welcome home. The house from the driveway, with the detached garage at left. Notice the bold strategy of putting both doors facing the same side of the house. What you can't see is the dilapidated lean-to on the other side of the garage. Lots of lights outside for the nighttime though. |
The south side of the home, showing one of the big picture windows. I especially like that someone tore down the TV antenna to the point where I can't use it to get any good reception and that it is super dangerous for anyone hanging around it. Wonderful. |
The house. Behind the camera is the highway, which is fine. Pretty standard from here. |
I used my master negotiating skills to get this sweet snow blower included into the deal. The gas can and lawn mower, however, were not. I guess my skills aren't as great as I thought they were. |
There is a walkout basement, facing the north, and this is it. The basement is actually partially finished with a non-bedroom, bathroom, and living room area. I say non-bedroom because it does not have an escape window. Yet. it is on the list. |
The kitchen. Pretty standard, although I wish there were nicer cabinets and maybe some cabinets by the stove. |
More kitchen. Lots of cabinet space. |
The master bedroom. Or at least the bedroom we will use. Behind the camera is a really odd little closet that makes some strange dimensions in the bedroom. Note the lovely paneling. |
This is the living room. It actually has TWO big picture windows in here. Still more paneling, as you can see. But the hardwood floors are nice and would be fabulous with a refinishing. There is also a light over an area where a table would go just outside the kitchen that looks like it came straight off the set of "Cheers." |
The bathroom. Pretty standard. What you cannot see, however, is the the little screen in the block window opens but there is a storm window painted in place over it, there are no outlets in the entire bathroom except a really sketchy one on the lights surrounding the mirror, and that the floor is somewhat rotted away under the toilet. There are, however, plenty of towel racks. |
The guest bedroom. Paneling galore and window treatments that actually caused me to a.) grow a vagina and b.) get big hair and shoulder pads like an 80s chick. Those will have to go for sure. |
So from here, it all looks pretty good. Until I whip out the photos from the folder on my computer entitled "Mechanicals and Damage. Let's take a look at those, shall we?
Notice the crack in the bedroom window. All of the windows are the original, single pane wooden style, and the bulk of them are painted shut, which is fine until summer rolls around. |
I am not sure but that sort of looks sketchy. This is where the electric comes in from the street. |
You are not supposed to connect copper pipe to galvanized pipe. That is what someone has done here. It is rusting a hole in the top of my water heater and needs to be addressed. |
NOT GOOD! At least it we were able to determine that the water making these stains is coming from the inside of the chimney because it is improperly capped. And it isn't used for anything anymore so it isn't too big a deal. |
Non-working water spigot and bad paint. The whole thing needs scraping and painting. |
Really needs painting. And someone had quite the time on a ladder. |
In reality, it is a good little house that just needs a little TLC and some updating. So we are going to do what we can to make it great. And because we don't have a ton on money, we are going to go it as much by ourselves as we can. Wish us luck and please come along for the ride. Moving day is tomorrow, do let's start by hoping we don't break anything then.
YO, this is going to be fun to watch. I like the idea of buying a house, and with your second post you did here, I learned that I can't buy a house! Good to know! I look forward to reading this. I have it in my Google Reader.